Family planning contributes to improved health outcomes for infants and their mothers.

Learn More About What We Do
Birth Control Methods
Birth control (contraception) includes medication or devices used to prevent pregnancy. The type of birth control you use depends on several factors including your health, your desire to have children, and your need to prevent sexually transmitted infections. Your doctor can help you decide which type is best for you right now.
Most couples receive an infertility diagnosis after being unable to conceive despite having frequent, unprotected sex for 12 months or longer.
Infertility may result from problems with male or female partners or a combination of both. Your OB/GYN can suggest various procedures, medications, and lifestyle changes, as well as refer you to appropriate specialists depending on your needs.
Tubal Ligation
Tubal ligation (also known as having tubes tied or tubal sterilization) is a surgical procedure and permanent birth control. Tubal ligation prevents an egg from traveling through the fallopian tubes as well as blocks sperm from traveling to the egg. The procedure does not affect the menstrual cycle. Tubal ligation can occur at any time, including after childbirth or in combination with another abdominal surgery, such as a c-section.
Genetic Testing
Our healthcare professionals are here to help you understand your family’s genetic risk factors and achieve a healthy pregnancy. We also offer screening and diagnostic tests to determine your baby’s chances of having specific genetic disorders or whether or not certain conditions exist.